**CLOSED ** In collaboration with the City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture Hope Corps Program, Office of Economic Development, and One Seattle Downtown Activation Plan, we (SODO BIA + overall creative) are calling for artists to submit their qualifications to design and install murals on exterior walls in the SODO neighborhood.
Posted: December 7, 2023
Who Calls: overall creative + SODO BIA
Contact Email: hello@overallcreative.com
Website: overallcreative.com/calltoartists_sodo
Location: SODO neighborhood, Seattle, Washington
Eligibility: This RFQ is open to all artists, regardless of geography or experience, though artists with a past or present connection to SODO and / or the indigenous peoples of the PNW are strongly encouraged to apply
Project Scope: up to 8 artists will be invited to submit designs for $1,000 each, and painting budgets will range from $5,000 to $15,000 depending on wall pairings.
Anticipated Timeline: RFQ posted Dec 1 ‘23 - Feb 29 ‘24, awards presented March ‘24, installation summer ‘24
About SODO: the industrial heart of Seattle, is where many of the operations and facilities that make Seattle work are located. The SODO BIA covers an area of about 950 acres from the Stadiums in the north to our southern boundary on Hudson Street and from the Port of Seattle to the I-5 corridor. We represent over 1200 businesses and property owners ranging from traditional manufacturing and industrial supply to retail, restaurants, and event venues.
SODO is a unique district in Seattle as it does not have a residential base, instead, it is a working district with over 45,000 employees coming to work in SODO each day. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of people who patronize SODO’s commercial, industrial, sports and entertainment facilities.encouraged to apply.
About overall creative: Kathleen + Lina co-founded overall creative, a woman owned creative services company that focuses primarily on large scale murals and assisting artists, communities and clients to achieve their artistic vision. For this grant we will be managing the RFQ, design reviews as well as assisting with any materials, production and installation needs.
To apply please fill out the form below with the following information:
Statement of Interest: Please submit any information that makes you a strong candidate for this project. Please address the following in your statement.
biographical information: anything about your past or present self that is useful for us to know
geographical connection: explain any connection or interest you have in relation to the SODO neighborhood
achievability and experience: illustrate relevant experience in design, mural execution and community projects
Work Samples: Please include links (instagram, website, google drive, press links, etc) to 3 to 5 favorite work samples that visually demonstrate your qualifications (these may include murals both completed and proposed) - feel free to include project name, date, location and any relevant narrative that may be useful to our understanding of the content. If any files are password protected please include the password, otherwise they will not be considered.
Submit application by 2/28/2024.